Academic session on:
The Holy Emperors Constantine and his mother Helen in history and spirituality

The session starts with the exhibition of icons on glass, painted by Simona Mădălina Păunescu, with the theme: The Romanian folk iconography

The Holy Emperors Constantine and Helen
icon painted on glass by Simona Madalina Paunescu
The exhibition is held in the parish hall gallery of the Romanian Orthodox Parish from Copenhagen, Kollegievej 1, 2920 Charlottenlund, 23 October 2013, 16.00 o’clock

† Macarie Drăgoi, Romanian Bishop of Northern Europe
• Viorel Matei Ardeleanu, Ambassador of Romania in Denmark
• Simona Mădălina Păunescu, Icon Painter and Visual Artist
• Jon Gissel (University of Copenhagen), PhD Researcher on Byzantine History
• Thomas Arentzen (University of Lund, Sweden), PhD candidate on Church History